Sunday, January 5, 2014

Organiztion Part 2-Photos

Organization Part 2-Photo's

A couple of days ago I was in mood to create some Christmas layouts but I had no idea what pictures I was going to use.  I pulled out a box of pictures my mother gave me.  You know, the one where all the photo's are in just thrown in the box with no organization and most of them with no information regarding when, where and who were in them.  I started hunting for any pictures that were related to Christmas.  I came upon these 2 photo's of my first Christmas.  Now, I had my pictures and I was ready to create.  After I got completely done with my creation I was was so proud, I thought "Let's do some more!".   So I pulled out the box again and started looking for some more Christmas related photo's. Well I found 2 more of my first Christmas. My bubble had been busted.  

So now that I have shared my story with you lets dig in to Organizing Your Photos. Below are some steps in getting your box/box's organized.

1.Figure out what type of storage system you would like to use.  You can do a shoe box with envelops or index cards or there are some systems that you can purchase at your local scrapbook/craft stores.  I like using envelops because I can put every photo related to my sub categories and write on the outside of what is inside.

2. The next step is to figuring out how you want to put your albums together.  Is it going to be Events, Family Heritage, Holidays, Date/Year,  Trips, Vacations, etc?

3. Now start going through your pictures and now put them in sub categories.  For example in my Family Heritage album I did my categories by who and time. Remember to toss out those blurred, unidentifiable pictures and multiple copies.

4.  Make notes to yourself about the photos.  A lot of times I will use either a post it note or archival pencil and write who,when and where on the back of them.  

I know the task may seem overwhelming but the end result will be very rewarding.

Happy Organizing


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